Travelling to Hotel Mundal generally corresponds to both bus, boat and plane schedules. Below are travelling options from various base points to Fjærland.
From Balestrand: 1 hour and 30 minutes by car
From Hella: 1 hour by car ferry, about 70 km
From Skei: 30 minutes by car, 30 km
From Førde or Sandane airport: 1.5 hours by car, 80 km
From Sogndal: 30 minutes by car, 30 km
From Sogndal airport: 50 minutes by car, 50 km
From Bergen: 4-5 hours by boat, or car, flights to Sogndal takes 38 minutes
From Oslo: 6 hours by car and boat, 8 hours by bus or 50 minutes by plane to Sogndal
Route Information:
By car to Fjærland
Travelling from Oslo:
Over Hardanger: Oslo - Hønefoss - Gol - Hemsedal - Laerdal - Sogndal - Fjærland
On the way, one must take a ferry from Fodnes to Mannheller
The ferry takes 15 minutes and runs around the clock. Approximately every hour at night and about. every, 20 minutes during daytime.
Total travel time approx. 6 hours
Over Valdres: Oslo - Hønefoss - Fagernes- Laerdal - Sogndal - Fjærland
On the way, one must take a ferry from Fodnes to Mannheller
The ferry takes 15 minutes and runs around the clock. Approximately every hour at night and about. every, 20 minutes during daytime.
Total travel time approx. 6,5 hours
Travelling from Bergen (4 hours):
via Laerdal
Bergen - Dale - Voss - Aurland - Laerdal - (Ferry) - Sogndal - Fjærland
via Førde
Bergen - Knarvik - Oppedal - Lavik (ferry) - Vadheim - Forde - Gondola - Fjærland
via Vik
Ferry: (Available only from June 1 to August 31) Bergen - Dale - Voss -
(then via ferry for the rest of the trip) Vangsnes - Hella - Vangsnes - Fjærland kai
By bus to Fjærland
From Oslo:
The bus drives from the bus station in Oslo to Fjærland daily. The bus station is a 20-minute walk away from Hotel Mundal. Guests can arrange to be picked up from the Fjærland bus station via phone or email.
From Bergen:
The bus drives from Bergen bus station to Fjærland daily. Guests can arrange to be picked up from the Fjærland bus station via phone or email. The bus station is a 20-minute walk away from Hotel Mundal.
By plane to Fjærland
There are no available direct flights to Fjærland. The nearest airport is in Sogndal which has flights to and from both Bergen and Oslo Airport. Bus schedules correspond to Sogndal arrivals.
By boat to Fjærland
Boat from Bergen - Balestrand - Fjærland
Be aware that there are only two depatures to Fjærland during the summer. This is only a passenger ferry.
On the way, one must take a ferry from Fodnes to Mannheller
The ferry takes 15 minutes and runs around the clock. Approximately every hour at night and about. every, 20 minutes during daytime.
Total travel time approx. 6,5 hours
Travelling from Bergen (4 hours):
via Laerdal
Bergen - Dale - Voss - Aurland - Laerdal - (Ferry) - Sogndal - Fjærland
via Førde
Bergen - Knarvik - Oppedal - Lavik (ferry) - Vadheim - Forde - Gondola - Fjærland
via Vik
Ferry: (Available only from June 1 to August 31) Bergen - Dale - Voss -
(then via ferry for the rest of the trip) Vangsnes - Hella - Vangsnes - Fjærland kai
By bus to Fjærland
From Oslo:
The bus drives from the bus station in Oslo to Fjærland daily. The bus station is a 20-minute walk away from Hotel Mundal. Guests can arrange to be picked up from the Fjærland bus station via phone or email.
From Bergen:
The bus drives from Bergen bus station to Fjærland daily. Guests can arrange to be picked up from the Fjærland bus station via phone or email. The bus station is a 20-minute walk away from Hotel Mundal.
By plane to Fjærland
There are no available direct flights to Fjærland. The nearest airport is in Sogndal which has flights to and from both Bergen and Oslo Airport. Bus schedules correspond to Sogndal arrivals.
By boat to Fjærland
Boat from Bergen - Balestrand - Fjærland
Be aware that there are only two depatures to Fjærland during the summer. This is only a passenger ferry.